Sunday 9 August 2020

The Saturday Morning Park Run - Jules Wake

This is the story of two women.

One old, one young.

One looking for new adventures. One looking for a purpose.

Both needing a friend.

And this is how, along with two little girls in need of a family, a gorgeous stranger, and a scruffy dog, they bring the whole community together every Saturday morning for love, laughter and a little bit of running…(well, power walking).

Some people come into your life when you need them the most.


My Review:

No matter under which guise she is writing as, Jules (or Julie) is one of my absolute top ‘read-their-book-above-all-others-ASAP’ authors. I will happily toss all other books aside to read the latest one from her.  Favouritism? You bet but when the books make you as happy and a million miles away from real life problems as these do me then you’d be the same.

Following Jules on social media I know how she has been involved in park runs, all credit to anyone who does them because I couldn’t but I love the idea of them and the whole social/spirit of them. Jules’ love of park run shines through this whole book. The positive light shed upon the finer details, the inner workings of getting these events put together really does wonders and almost made me want to head out in trainers… It is a wonderful side to this special story that really is about making people appreciate their lives, skills, and opportunities in a different way.

With some wonderful characters that will cement a place firmly in your hearts, The Saturday Morning Park Run would not be the same without the treasure that is Hilda. Everyone will rave about her but its deserved, she is a powerhouse and the one that ties everything so nicely together. I wish I had a Hilda in my life... maybe I should hang around a park bench a little more often!

I love Claire and Ash. Our lead characters: we meet them at a place in their lives where both seem on top. They are both killing it career wise, they have the flirty, hot chemistry and both know what they want from life. Typically, everything changes, both end up in unexpected positions and through some helpful Hilda intervention they start to realise their previous lifestyle may not be all their hearts desired.

Claire gets to look after her nieces Poppy and Ava, whilst providing some fun moments, their relationship develops and becomes so special that, in parts, it almost had me in tears.

With overriding ideas that family can be made up from those you chose to have in your life; this heart-warming read will leave you feeling happy, emotional, and potentially ready for a run.

I always champion Jules’ books, they are brilliant and I recommend them as I genuinely love each one. I wouldn’t pick a favourite but this is up there.

A gorgeous, engaging, charm of a read.

Pre-order Links:

Author Bio

Jules Wake announced at the age of ten that she planned to be a writer. Along the way she was diverted by the glamorous world of PR and worked on many luxury brands and not so luxury brands. This proved fabulous training for writing novels as it provided her with the opportunity to hone her writing and creative skills penning copy on a vast range of subjects from pig farming and watches, sunglasses and skincare through to beer and stationery. 

She writes best-selling warm-hearted contemporary fiction for One More Chapter as Jules Wake and under her pen name Julie Caplin, she writes the Romantic Escapes series. 

Between them, the two Js have written fourteen novels, The Saturday Morning Park Run being the latest. 

Social Media Links 

Twitter @Juleswake

Instagram: juleswakeauthor

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