Monday, 13 August 2018

Coming Home to Cuckoo Cottage - Heidi Swain

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The story begins with Lottie inheriting her her lovely new home, Cuckoo Cottage.
Lottie loves the cottage but Matt, a local builder, points out a whole host of problems that seem to keep cropping up. Lottie suspects Matt is not all that he seems and Will, Lottie’s neighbour and sparring partner, seems to agree.In a village where gossips won't leave her alone, Lottie plans to set up her own business renovating vintage caravans. With two men desperate for her attention too, will Lottie find love as well as success? 

I’ve never had the pleasure of reading any of Heidi Swains previous books -I shall be rectifying that sharpish - so I borrowed a copy from my local library. The book is part of their Reading Chain, you have an extended loan period and you have to leave a review on the bookmark. The existing reviews were good but Coming Home to Cuckoo Cottage was a pleasant surprise. 
At first, I was unaware that all of Heidi’s novels are connected, set in the town of Wynbridge, but I don't think you really need to read them in order (although usually, for me, I would try to) but I guess that is the chance you take when taking out books from the library. 

I instantly connected with Lottie and was rooting for her against all the gossips. She was definitely the kind of character I could imagine being friends with, she seems fun and really interesting. I loved how she was written and that she was the automatic heroine who I felt protective over. Written with warmth and humour, I enjoyed  the feeling of community (people looking out for Lottie) and  the friendships that were built with the use of pre-established characters, I wanted to know their stories (luckily I know I can seek them out in more of Heidi's books!).

For an avid reader like myself, you spot typical cliches - the argumentative yet handsome neighbour I knew our heroine should (and probably would) fall in love with, the annoying, yet trying to be helpful, builder pandering for Lottie's' attention (who I personally wanted to get lost and leave her alone). It was fairly easy to spot the villain of the piece, annoyingly Lottie didn't as soon as she should - she seems a smart young lady so I'm not sure she would have really let him get away with so much for so long.

I loved Heidi's writing style, it was very easy to read, it flowed nicely and was so descriptive you could imagine yourself there too. It was definitely a good, quick read but I do feel like I want to know more about Lottie and her friends, I would love to see how it all goes for her both professionally and personally. Hopefully in the future, in another story we get a glimpse of how well Lottie is getting on.

Couldn’t put it down... I read fast anyway but this was “a cup of tea and slice of cake, don’t put it down” kind of book. Perfect chick-lit, feel good story.

Comfy Rating: 👍👍👍👍👍

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