Wednesday 29 May 2024

A Wonderland Wish on Ever After Street - Jaimie Admans


A brand new and utterly enchanting series by bestselling author Jaimie Admans.

A picture-perfect town, a place where dreams come true. Welcome to Ever After Street...

There's always time for tea... unless you've lost your teapot…

Cleo Jordan has only ever wished for one thing – to open her own teashop in memory of her lovely gran. So when she accidentally fools the interview board into thinking she's a brilliant baker and is offered a prime spot on Ever After Street, she knows her dream is about to come true!

Stepping into The Wonderland Teapot is like falling down the rabbit hole - magical! But there’s a catch: Cleo has completely lost her love of baking! With her little white lie ticking in her ear, it seems her dream is over before it’s begun.

Until she meets her very own Mad Hatter. Loved by everyone on Ever After Street, magician Bram brings an energy to the teashop that lifts everyone, and slowly, with his encouragement, Cleo is getting back to doing what she loves best.

But with Bram hiding secrets of his own, Cleo isn’t sure she can put all her faith in him. And when things start going wrong at the teashop, Cleo wonders if the culprit sabotaging her dream is someone closer than she thinks?

If Cleo wants her wish to work, she has to learn to trust again before she loses her head and heart completely…although it might already be far too late for that...

Perfect for fans of Holly Martin, Kat French and Caroline Roberts!

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My Review:

Hooray for this new book in the Ever After Street series by Jaimie Admans. It’s an utterly charming and delightful series and this is the third visit; Cleo’s story. We have met Cleo in a previous book within the series but you can read this as a standalone.

Opening up and Alice in Wonderland themed tea room is just what Cleo has dreamed of and getting to do that on Ever After Street is the cherry on the cake. Being surrounded by friends and likeminded, fairytale loving people is just the encouragement she needed to take this opportunity.

She had left the application to the last minute but, remarkably, she was successful at her interview, the only problem – she can’t seem to bake at the moment and the cakes she gave the interviewers were shop bought. Hoping her baking mojo will return with some enthusiastic practise, she sets about getting the café ready for her opening day.

That day soon arrives and so does Bram, otherwise known as the Mad Hatter. He’s her new and unexpected employee, Cleo is far from keen as she is worried he will realise she isn’t doing the baking (yet) but she soon realises that the magic Bran brings can only help her as well as entertain the customers.

Cleo has been through some difficult times, she worries that she will lose something else that means a lot to her. Bram is wonderfully funny, helpful and so supportive of her. He has secrets and Cleo starts to see that underneath his glittery, charming character he is vulnerable and in need of someone to be fully on his side and respect who he is, quirky and all, as he faces opposition and people trying to force him to be someone he isn’t.

A fairytale story of overcoming life’s obstacles, believing in yourself and following dreams. Life isn’t always going to be a walk in the park, there are storms to weather but Cleo and Bram learn that they can get through what life throws their way.

I love the community on Ever After Street, when things get tough they all pull together and support each other. It’s a magical sounding place!

A gorgeous story with romance, highs, lows and happy ever afters; Jaimie Admans gives us just the right amount of fairytale magic. I will definitely look forward to the next visit to Ever After Street. 

Author Bio:

Jaimie is a 32-year-old English-sounding Welsh girl with an awkward-to-spell name. She lives in South Wales and enjoys writing, gardening, watching horror movies, and drinking tea, although she’s seriously considering marrying her coffee machine. She loves autumn and winter, and singing songs from musicals despite the fact she’s got the voice of a dying hyena. She hates spiders, hot weather, and cheese & onion crisps. She spends far too much time on Twitter and owns too many pairs of boots.

She will never have time to read all the books she wants to read.

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