Wednesday 18 August 2021

The Heights - Louise Candlish

He thinks he’s safe up there. But he’ll never be safe from you.

The Heights is a tall, slender apartment building among the warehouses of Shad Thames, its roof terrace so discreet you wouldn’t know it existed if you weren’t standing at the window of the flat directly opposite. But you are. And that’s when you see a man up there – a man you’d recognize anywhere. He’s older now and his appearance has subtly changed, but it’s definitely him.

Which makes no sense at all since you know he has been dead for over two years.

You know this for a fact.
Because you’re the one who killed him.

My Review:

The Heights is a fascinating psychological thriller based on how the effects of one incident can tear people apart and how the sense of overwhelming despair and grief can turn into obsession, compulsion and become a desire for the ultimate revenge. It’s dark, emotionally charged and crikey it’s addictive reading, I couldn’t put it down for a second.

The characters in The Heights are intense, but understandably so, I think they were excellently written. Ellen is consumed by the need to have revenge on the person who took away her son. She is a mother on a mission, and I understand her motivation. She is determined to do whatever it may take; her family is the most precious thing to her, and she will not have anyone get away with ruining it.

This story is mostly narrated by Ellen in the form of a memoir, and this really engaged me with how she felt, her side of things whereas just telling this story – I may not have felt so strongly about everything she does. Her ex-partner Vic is also introduced as a second narrator and this allows us to see not only what happens from a different point of view, but we see a different perspective of Ellen.

This book takes you on your own moral journey, looking at what you think is right, fair and if justice is ever deemed as done in a victim (families) eye. Would you be happy with any sentence, would you be compelled to seek your own revenge? Would your emotions drive you to the point of obsession?

The author is a firm favourite of mine, I eagerly await how she is going to thrill us next. I enjoy the characters she creates, the twists and turns she cleverly orchestrates into each storyline so to ensure nothing is ever as straightforward as we assume.

'The Heights' is a fast paced and dynamic, you will be captivated from the start but will be taken on quite the ride. It’s an intelligent, twisty, thriller – I highly recommend, you will not be disappointed.

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