Thursday 31 December 2020

2020 : A little round up (and massive SO LONG to this year!)


As we come to the end of 2020, I wanted to take a moment of reflection and express gratitude. It's been quite the year hasn't it - you do not need me to remind you of why. We've lived through something unprecedented, the history books will talk of this time and despite the absolute awful dark days, the heart breaking losses, the pain, anxiety and desperation - there has been love. Love and kindness. I've seen people coming together like never before, going above and beyond expectations, pushing through their own circumstances and doing things for others without hesitation. I've seen that people are...good. 

My 'day job' is in a secondary school and to see this year through the eyes of those 11-18 year olds has been astounding, the way they see things very clearly and adjust to situations has warmed my heart. They talk about their worries, they speak out against what they believe is wrong, they come up with solutions that, quite frankly, leaders of the country should take some notice of and mostly without fuss. I've often thought along the rocky road of 2020 that some adults could do with the approach our young people have had. They have struggled, some more than others but this year has impacted them all in one way or another. For some damage done may be tough to overcome but I have no doubt that we as educators and pastoral teams can support them and their families, that our communities can ensure these young people continue to grow and learn while feeling secure and cared for. 

As for me, this year I've turned to what I love the most to get me through the tough times. BOOKS!!  I've sought escape from the reality we faced and the constant barrage of news, updates and scaremongering in the covers of some absolute wonderful reads. Two hundred and seventeen of them in fact - wow. 

I think many of us had a period of time where we couldn't pick up a book or couldn't concentrate long enough to get into anything properly but I'm SO pleased it didn't last long, books have really helped keep me sane. Books have eased anxieties and filled time where I over thinking and worrying; they've transported me to different times, places and allowed an escape from reality. 

I've been seeing many people pull together lists of Top Ten books etc but I'm not 100% sure I can narrow them down. I recently posted a pic on Instagram (@comfychairblog) of some of my "Top Reads" and already feel like I should include so many more. Take a look at my selection:

I want to say THANK YOU to authors. 

Thank you for giving us readers the chance of escape, for creating worlds for us to 'exist' for periods of time and just relax, enjoy and be free of the every day stresses and worry we have felt.  Books are always a brilliant way of educating ourselves - seeing new things, experiencing other cultures and lifestyles. They are entertainment and fun, action packed, heart warming. We can be on the edge of our seat or cosied up, crying with emotion. 

In November I had many authors take part in a Q&A and it was brilliant to be able to highlight so many lovely, talented people. Using the tiny little platform I have to shout about these hard working authors is something I will continue into 2021. If you follow me on Twitter (@TheComfyChair2) you will see me regularly banging on about wonderful authors, new releases as well as old favourites. I'm very lucky to have met some wonderful book loving people, made booktastic friends and been able to communicate with the very authors I've loved reading. What a gorgeous community to be involved in. 

I'm going to end this by saying I hope you all have a great New Year. I'm looking forward to the great new books, the brilliant old books, the authors, the friendships and hopefully a lot more events "in person." 

Leaving you with the full 217 books I read this year - Any bets on how many I will read in 2021?


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