Welcome to The Cornish Confetti Agency!
When the grand finale of Lexie Harrington’s catwalk show ends with a disastrous twist on the ‘ice bucket challenge’, she was expecting her highly-strung boss to fire her on the spot. What she wasn’t expecting was to bump into her fiancĂ© cosied up with an attractive blonde in the restaurant opposite their apartment!
Desperate to escape her heartbreak, Lexie flees to her childhood home of St Ives to hold the fort at The Cornish Confetti Agency for her best friend Freya, leader of the yummy mummy network and firm believer in ‘happily ever afters’. Little did she know that delivering a Caribbean-themed wedding in sunny Cornwall would rival the fashion industry for drama, tantrums and mysterious goings on.
Who is responsible for dousing the bridesmaid’s dress with tomato ketchup? Or hiding the bride’s beloved Jimmy Choos? Or attaching googly eyes to everything in sight?
The perfect Cornish wedding? Is there such a thing for The Cornish Confetti Agency?
My Review:
A fun filled read that will make you laugh and keep you guessing. A lovely book that's a nice quick and easy read, a great distraction in times of worry.
Lexie is quite the character, hit by disaster after disaster. Poor thing – everything seems to go wrong at the same time so I cannot blame her for wanting to get away from it all. Lucky her best friend happens to have a great solution for her.
Disaster seems to follow her around though and nothing she does goes smoothly; helping organise a Caribbean themed wedding sounds simple enough but not when things seem to be going wrong and it becomes very apparent someone is against the wedding taking place!
She turns detective to find out what exactly is happening and who is causing so much drama. Who does not love a little bit of mystery thrown into a feel-good story? It’s all on her to ensure this wedding takes place and she forms an unlikely partnership that is beneficial for her in more ways than one.
A lively set of characters that made me laugh out loud at times, full of lovely descriptions and a wedding theme that I was quite envious of! It is the first in a series I believe so will be quite fun to see what happens next time. A fun read!
Available HERE

Daisy James is a Yorkshire girl transplanted to the north east of England. She loves writing stories with strong heroines and swift-flowing plotlines.
When not scribbling away in her peppermint-and-green summerhouse (garden shed), she spends her time sifting flour and sprinkling sugar and edible glitter.
When not scribbling away in her peppermint-and-green summerhouse (garden shed), she spends her time sifting flour and sprinkling sugar and edible glitter.
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