Thursday 23 May 2024

Come Fly With Me - Helen Rolfe


Take to the skies in this gorgeous and gripping new series, perfect for fans of Jo Bartlett and Cathy Bramley.

A Second Chance…

For Maya, serving as a pilot in the Whistlestop River air ambulance team is a dream come true. And now, with her divorce from her overbearing husband finally complete, flying over the fields of Dorset, and saving lives with the Skylarks, is the centre of her world. If only her ex would accept their separation as readily as she had, life would be perfect…

A fresh start…

Having recently transferred from London to Dorset, paramedic Noah is ready for a new start. But he’s brought with him a lot of baggage, not least his infant niece who he’s been looking after since his sister died unexpectedly earlier that year. Noah adores Eva, but is he really cut out to look after a baby?

A risk worth taking?

When Noah and Maya find themselves on the same rescue team, they’re immediately drawn to each other. Yet, with so many complications in their personal lives, do they have time to open their hearts to someone new?

As their friendship grows, Noah and Maya are both about to discover that life is worth nothing unless you share it with the people you love.

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My Review: 

As a big fan of Helen Rolfe books, I have been eagerly awaiting Come Fly With Me and it did not disappoint! Barely a chapter in and I was hooked and knew I’d love it.

Maya is an interesting character, she is the pilot of the air ambulance and has been through quite a already in life. She’s proud of her role within the service and how she plays a part in helping so many people. I didn’t know much about the air ambulance at all so even from this fictional story, I feel like I have more understanding of what happens and how they can be utilised.

We learn more about Maya’s relationship with her Dad and why it has become so strained. As the story progresses it is great to see some communication between characters that would hopefully mean changes in their relationship. Maya’s ex is also a character that seemed to have some hold over her, she does see sense but he is not a character to like at all.

Noah has just moved into the area after heartache of his own. His life has changed dramatically and he has a new normal to adjust too. He is struggling and when an opportunity presents itself to make things easier will he take it?

The relationship between Noah and Maya is interesting and one that helps both characters. They can support one another and whilst their chemistry is instant, I enjoyed how things developed between them.

Great characters, a very different location – the air ambulance – and Helen Rolfe’s wonderful writing style. A great read for romance fans.

A fantastic start to this new series, I shall look forward to the next!

Author Bio:

Helen Rolfe writes contemporary women's fiction and romantic fiction. She enjoys weaving stories about family, friendship, secrets, and relationships. Characters often face challenges and must fight to overcome them, but above all, Helen's stories always have a happy ending.

Helen loves creating village settings or places with a small-town feel and a big sense of community. Location has always been a big part of the adventure in Helen's books and she enjoys setting stories in different cities and countries around the world. So far, locations have included Melbourne, Sydney, New York, Connecticut, Bath, Paris and the Cotswolds.

Helen has added Dorset to her list of locations with the launch of Come Fly With Me, set in the fictitious town of Whistlestop River. Come Fly With Me is the first book in Helen's brand new series centred around an air ambulance team, the Skylarks, who take to the skies to save lives.

Born and raised in the UK, Helen graduated from University with a business degree and began working in I.T. This job took her over to Australia where she eventually turned her attentions back to the career she'd dreamt of since she was fourteen. She studied writing and journalism and wrote articles for women's health and fitness magazines. Helen began writing fiction in 2011 and hasn't missed the I.T. world one little bit... in fact she may just have found her dream job!

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